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Friday 16 November 2012

Paruresis Treatment - The Power Of Music

When it comes to paruresis treatment methods something which may interest you is the power of music.

Many people have the problem of not being able to urinate due to the fact that others will be able to hear them which is why music can be a savior.

Remember when you were little and you thought that if you couldn't see someone they couldn't see you (like the little peek a boo game)? The same applies to this situation, if you can't hear yourself "pee" then obviously others can't either.

So get yourself some headphones and pop those in the next time you are at the toilets. You will have to take this in baby steps however, don't try rushing this. This may take some time to practice and get used to but after a while you will be able to urinate in public thanks to this paruresis treatment method.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Paruresis Treatment - Hypnosis

As mentioned before a great paruresis treatment would be hypnosis the main reason for this being the fact that hypnosis can change your line of thinking.

For those that haven't been keeping up to this blog what you need to understand is that this condition is a mental one, the anxiety that prevents you from urinating is due to a build up of negative thoughts where the pressure just enables you to urinate in from of anyone. Such thoughts such as....

  • What if they’re judging me

  •  What if the same incident occurs again

  •  What if they make fun of me
 Become intense and prevent urination in a public place.

Why Hypnosis?

So why is this method so effective? The reason being that hypnosis can easily change your line of thought and erase all the negative thoughts and slowly replace them with good thoughts.

There is the option of hiring a hypnotist to help you which a good idea as they have high success rates but they can be expensive seeing as you will have to pay for numerous sessions.

However there is also the option of self-hypnotisation which is also effective if you're willing to put the effort into making it all work for yourself.

There are many places where you can get self help books for this paruresis treatment just make sure you look at if its worked for anyone else first.

Having Problems Urinating? - Your Line Of Thought

So if you're having problems urinating and you think that it's paruresis or shy bladder then you need to understand that it is your line of thought.

What this means is that you're going to be thinking many things whilst being put under the pressure of relieving yourself in a public area. These thoughts are negative thoughts which for a paruresis sufferer become so much intense that it becomes impossible for them to urinate for example some of the thoughts are:

  • What if they’re judging me

  • What if the same incident occurs again

  • What if they make fun of me
 Thoughts like this can be very frustrating and can cause people to end up having problems urinating. For this reason a great way to overcome this problem is through hypnosis.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Paruresis Treatment - What Is It?

If you want to make a start on paruresis treatment then you're going to know what it is. It has been said that knowing what you're up against puts you halfway through the fight as you will know what you will have to be against.

So what is paruresis?
Paruresis (also known as shy bladder) is the inability to urinate when you are in the presence of others or when you think that others are there around you.

An example is when you are urinating in a public toilet and when someone walks in you stop and just can't go even if you weren't finished.

What causes this?
The stopping of urination is involuntary, it doesn't occur because of you but instead because of a psychological problem.

The problem means that when someone walks into the bathroom you cannot urinate because the muscles that allow the flow of urination pass end up clenching and this brings on the fact that you can't urinate.

As you can tell this can be a very frustrating problem for some people to go through especially those who are at the extreme that they just can't urinate in public places at all and have to travel home.

With the help of this blog we will be able to come up with a paruresis treatment for you in one of many forms so make sure you keep tuned for more information.